Good news ! Good news !
Prepare meeting for year-end party of 2014 is holding in Tommox meeting room. Each member of the Preparatory Committee is exciting because of the Tommox sales aim has been exceed in the last day of 2014 .Everyone in Tommox is look forward to the sales aim of 2015 ,we believe that Tommox will have a bigger success in 2015!
Now the important things for our Preparatory Committee is how to hold on a wonderful party! In the first meeting we have decided some key points such as.
1,Discuss the goods for the lottery .This part will be on the last of the party .In the past party I haven’t got the big prize .I wish I will got the first prize. Haha, in fact, everybody have the same wish .however ,who will be the best lucky one ? Who you want to bless?
2, Discuss the performances of the party and the rewards. In this part, you will see and surprised how the Tommox family has so funny, interesting, amazing talent. I am expecting the program is different from last year. Our department will try our best to make a big show! And win the big reward.
There are lots of things need to prepare for the year-end party of 2014 .The Preparatory Committee believe we will get ready very well on the base of year-end party in 2013 !!
If you want to know more progress of the work, please focus on tommox blog.
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Tommox is one of China laptop adapter factory and laptop battery manufacture. We offer full range of various smart devices power supply, such as laptop adapters,laptop batteries,tablet adapters,car chargers, multi USB power centers,wireless charger ect.If you want to know about our products,please clikc our productsto know more about it