In order to keep up with high pace of technology developing life. More and more people are seeking good products to share the happiness and interests.
It is very convenient for people to charge phones when they chat at the coffee. You don’t need to bring your adapters and chargers any more.
I have been using Iphone 4s smart phone. And I tried our company’s wireless charger from April 2014. Our new wireless charger L8 and Wireless receiver R102. At the beginning I thought it is not very useful for me. Because I can bring my adapters and chargers. But when I was working and some one calls me I have to take away the adapters to pick up the phones. I firstly found the wireless charger is more convenient than adapters and USB cable. I could charge it and discharge it any time. Just take it up when I need to use phones and put it down to charge very easy.
Currently I have one wireless charger in my home and one in the office. I thought I fall in love with it. I recommend you to have a try. :-)
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