After 3months design and opened mould ,our new model universal laptop ac adapter AU09BL-90 is making its debut to the market
Which is with unique shell,color LCD display,USB port 5V 2A for tablets and all phones,special color box for gift.
We showed it at our April.2015 HK Fair,and get rather good feedback.One of my customer take a sample at Fair directly,he tested this Universal laptop adapter when he came back to office.
We got very good comments from him:” As for Universal Laptop Adapter AU09BL-90 Slim power adapter, I can tell that it very good. It wasn't revealed any shortcomings. And I hope that serial goods will be the same quality.”
These all make us so happy and most confident,we do trust you will love it if you test it.Try it,you are worth it!!!
To know more about it,please visit